The Science of Dating.

Lately, I’ve been thinking about this a lot and just wanted to remind you, darling reader, about this truth:

The presence of your value & worth is not a hypothesis but a fact. 

…Meaning that you are free from the tiresome act of always measuring your value based on the relationships you are/aren’t in, the experience you do/don’t have, the attention you are/aren’t receiving because your worth is inherent. You were created in the image of God and He calls you “mine” (Isaiah 43:1.) He will not forget you because God paid the price to set you free! (Isaiah 44:21-22)

I know that in my own life, once I realized (slash realizing, as this seems to be an ongoing process) that my value was factual, my relationships started changing. I strive for intentionality, especially in regards to dating. That’s kind of opposite to the YOLO, casual everything of these days, but whatever. I know what I’m worth & I’m not wasting my time. (And you should now be more aware of your worth too!)

Anyways, so ends my soapbox message of the day.

(P.S. Confession: this post really has nothing to do too much with dating, I just added what we call in the super-cool-and-not-nerdy-at-all Communications department, a “sexy title” to get more readers…Oh my gosh, I am such a dork. Please forgive me.)

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