This is a post about dating.

Preferentially, I dislike writing about this because I feel like an 8th grader, but lately, relationships have been the talk of the town. The town being Cleveland, the talk being…well, I hang out with a lot of girls who talk about this nonstop (which is definitely an symptom of the Lee culture’s unhealthy relationship pressure.)

God has got to be the best Comedian out there. How do I know this? Two things: the presence of flying squirrels (hilarious, right?) and my love life.

I mean, come on.

Y’all. I once went on a date to Costco. Yes, the wholesale warehouse. (It’s okay, you can laugh. I find it hilarious.)  Another time I was at a Christmas party talking to this guy I was interested in and just when I thought he was about to ask me out to coffee…he started freestyle rapping. I’m not even kidding. And then another guy ended up stalking my sister after asking me out in front of my mom…Weird stuff y’all.   I have so many stories of general awkwardness that will someday make a great TV pilot. (Maybe that’s my ministry—to help others feel less bad about their own stories.)

But I digress. I’ve been rereading Matthew and Jesus’ advice to us in chapter 7 has been resonating frequently as of late:

“You parents—if your children ask for a loaf of bread, do you give them a stone instead? Or if they ask for fish, do you give them a snake? Of course not! So if you sinful people know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask Him.” (9-11)

I think sometimes Christians believe that God is kind of a jerk.  He’ll listen to your heart’s desires but give you the total opposite because, well, you can’t always get what you want. And so they settle because they believe that they don’t deserve the lavish love and gifts God has for us.


GOD IS SO GOOD. The very definition of a good and loving Father. He isn’t out to trick us or give us a big old rock when we ask for bread. I know a lot about waiting and being protected from my own stupidity…but I’m not worried nor am I trying to obsessively control my singleness by making lists of “must haves.”  Yeah, it’s scary to not be in control, but I think it would be far worse to settle.

“Now all glory to God who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20) is my life verse. Even the biggest and wildest whispered dreams, ones you haven’t dared to tell a single soul, cannot hold a candle to what my God has in store for you.

Believe it. Claim it. Live it. Walk down the sidewalk with confidence knowing that you’ve got a delicious fish & bread dinner heading your way…toss that stone & snake mentality out the door! A truly good relationship is one that makes both of you even crazier in love with pursuing the Lord…anything less is settling.

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