Dear Accidental Extrovert, Happy Anniversary!


It’s The Accidental Extrovert’s one year anniversary! Honestly, I never would’ve imagined this lasting for a whole twelve months. I guess I’ve finally kicked that whole blogging commitment issue, huh?

What a year it’s been! I moved to Dallas for three months, the United Kingdom for another three, went ombre (twice),  talked a lot about dating, made fun of Lee University & greek clubs way too often, tried a ton of DIY projects, cussed a little, used my apathy towards the Olympics to start running, got a Facebook fan page (holla!), been officially published on a couple of other blogs, and decided, what the heck, to pursue writing for my future.

I love anniversaries and the ability to look back on the progress of the past 365 days. It’s pretty cool to see how much has changed and that the bulk of the cool stuff that’s happened has been totally unplanned. Who knows where I’ll be in a month, let alone this time next year, but I have great hope!

Thanks for sticking around this past year with me! I’m excited to see where the road leads and beyond thankful to have such a great group of y’all there every step of the way! You guys are the best! Thanks for sharing links, absurdly complimenting me, and most of all, encouraging me to not stop.

Get ready to see BIG changes coming this way soon! AE is going to have a much needed face lift, naturally the perfect gift for any one year old blog.

Also, isn’t it sort of ironic that the traditional first anniversary gift is paper and this is a blog? Oh technology. (Maybe not? Okay, that’s cool too.)

Couldn’t find a gif version. 😦

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